150 Popular Christian Names For Boys And Their Meaning

150 Popular Christian Names For Boys And Their Meaning

Posted Date: June 10th, 2023

Choosing a Christian baby name is a significant decision for many parents who want to incorporate their faith and values into their child’s identity. The name they choose will be a lifelong identifier, and it is important to select a name that carries a meaning that aligns with their Christian beliefs and values. Many parents choose names that have biblical origins or names of saints or other Christian figures who have inspired them.


When selecting a Christian baby name, parents may consider the name’s meaning, its relevance to their faith, and the significance of the person it honors. They may also think about the sound of the name and how it will fit with their last name, as well as whether it has any negative connotations or associations that they would want to avoid.


Parents may also consider family traditions or naming conventions, such as naming a child after a grandparent or using a particular letter or theme for all their children’s names. Ultimately, the decision of choosing a Christian baby name is a personal one and varies from family to family.


Aaron – means “mountain of strength”


Abel – means “breath” or “vanity”


Abelard – means “noble strength”


Abner – means “father of light”


Adriel – means “follower of God”


Aeneas – means “praise-worthy”


Aiden – means “fiery one”


Alden – means “old friend”


Amias – means “beloved”


Ansel – means “God’s protection”


Aric – means “ruler of all”


Arius – means “lion”


Ashwin – means “horse tamer”


Athanasius – means “immortal”


Atticus – means “man of Attica”


Augustus – means “majestic”


Austin – means “great”


Amos – means “burden” or “load”


Andrew – means “manly” or “warrior”


Asher – means “happy” or “blessed”


Adam – means “man” or “earth”


Andrew – means “manly” or “warrior”


Asa – means “physician”


Benjamin – means “son of the right hand”


Barnabas – means “son of encouragement”


Bartholomew – means “son of Tolmai”


Barnaby – means “son of consolation”


Bayard – means “auburn haired”


Bernard – means “strong as a bear”


Blaise – means “one who stammers”


Brendan – means “prince”


Caleb – means “devotion to God”


Calvin – means “bald”


Cassius – means “empty”


Christian – means “follower of Christ”


Clarence – means “bright”


Clement – means “merciful”


Cyrus – means “sun”


Caleb – means “devotion to God”


Cyrus – means “sun”


Christian – means “follower of Christ”


Daniel – means “God is my judge”


David – means “beloved”


Darius – means “upholder”


Demetrius – means “devoted to Demeter”


Daniel – means “God is my judge”


Darius – means “upholder of the good”


David – means “beloved”


Dominic – means “of the Lord”


Elijah – means “my God is Yahweh”


Ethan – means “strong” or “enduring”


Ebenezer – means “stone of help”


Edgar – means “fortunate and powerful”


Edmund – means “fortunate protector”


Edward – means “wealthy guardian”


Eli – means “ascension”


Elias – means “my God is Yahweh”


Eliezer – means “God is my help”


Elisha – means “God is salvation”


Emmanuel – means “God is with us”


Ephraim – means “fruitful”


Ezekiel – means “God strengthens”


Ezra – means “help”


Gabriel – means “God is my strength”


Gideon – means “hewer” or “feller”


Habakkuk – means “embrace”


Haggai – means “festive”


Hosea – means “salvation”


Isaac – means “laughter”


Isaiah – means “salvation of the Lord”


Jacob – means “supplanter”


James – means “supplanter”


Jeremiah – means “God will exalt”


Jesus – means “God saves”


Joel – means “Yahweh is God”


John – means “God is gracious”


Jonathan – means “gift of God”


Joseph – means “God will increase”


Joshua – means “God is salvation”


Jude – means “praised”


Jabez – means “sorrow” or “distress”


Jacob – means “supplanter”


Jairus – means “he who enlightens”


James – means “supplanter”


Jared – means “ruling”


Jason – means “healer”


Javan – means “Greece”


Jeremiah – means “God will exalt”


Jesse – means “gift”


Job – means “persecuted”


Joel – means “Yahweh is God”


Jonah – means “dove”


Jonathan – means “gift of God”


Jordan – means “to flow down”


Josiah – means “God supports”


Judah – means “praise”


Luke – means “from Lucania”


Lazarus – means “God has helped”


Levi – means “joined”


Mark – means “warlike”


Matthew – means “gift of God”


Michael – means “who is like God?”


Malachi – means “my messenger”


Manasseh – means “causing to forget”


Mark – means “warlike”


Matthias – means “gift of God”


Micah – means “who is like God?”


Moses – means “drawn out of water”


Nathaniel – means “God has given”


Nicholas – means “victorious people”


Noah – means “rest” or “comfort”


Nathan – means “he gave”


Nathanael – means “God has given”


Nehemiah – means “comforted by Yahweh”


Obadiah – means “servant of Yahweh”


Obed – means “servant”


Paul – means “small” or “humble”


Peter – means “rock”


Philip – means “lover of horses”


Paul – means “small” or “humble”


Peter – means “rock”


Philemon – means “affectionate”


Philip – means “lover of horses”


Reuben – means “behold, a son”


Samuel – means “asked of God”


Simon – means “he has heard”


Stephen – means “crown”


Samuel – means “asked of God”


Seth – means “appointed”


Shadrach – means “command of Aku”


Silas – means “of the forest”


Simeon – means “he has heard”


Simon – means “he has heard”


Solomon – means “peaceful”


Stephen – means “crown”


Thomas – means “twin”


Timothy – means “honoring God”


Thaddeus – means “courageous”


Theophilus – means “lover of God”


Thomas – means “twin”


Timothy – means “honoring God”


Titus – means “honorable”


Uriah – means “God is my light”


Uzziah – means “my strength is Yahweh”


Zachariah – means “remembered by God”


Zebedee – means “abundant”


Zebulun – means “dwelling”


These names all have significant meanings in the Christian faith, and each one can serve as a reminder of the values and beliefs that are important to those who bear them. Whether you are looking for a name for your newborn son or simply interested in the meanings behind these popular Christian names, this list provides a great starting point for exploration.

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